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Powervault is a key element in a ‘passive house’ estate project in Oxfordshire

HeathCo Country Homes is currently building fives sites around middle England. These sites are so energy efficient they will come close to passive house standards by reducing energy bills to about £1000 a year. There are around 30,000 buildings meeting the standards around the world, among which 260 are in the UK.

Key energy saving features include thicker walls, triple glazed windows, a heat recovery ventilation system and… a Powervault battery, which reduces the home’s energy bills by storing cheap, off-peak electricity or free solar energy for use at peak times.

Powervault enables its users to use more of their solar energy and to store cheap off-peak electricity for daily peak demand, reducing their bills and enabling them to use greener electricity: two features that HeathCo Country Homes’ customers will be able to take advantage of right from the outset.

Currently, HeathCo Country Homes is building 23 homes, hoping to take the number to 30 a year.

Read the full article in The Metro

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